Ferry Feng Shui II – Creating Harmony in Your Cabin

Ferry Feng Shui II Creating Harmony in Your Cabin

Leap off buildings, sword-fight across treetops and pry artifacts from deathtrap-laden temples in this high-flying, Hong Kong film-inspired cinematic action game. 2016 ENnie Gold Award winner for Best Rules.

Feng shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is the ancient Chinese practice of arranging one’s home environment to garner harmony. It is based on the idea that good luck comes from the wind and gathers near water, which symbolizes wealth.


Feng Shui, the Chinese philosophy of design and placement, is all about attracting healthy Chi (energy) to your home and directing it so that it nourishes every part of the house. To accomplish this, it’s important to be aware of where your home is in the universe and what the surrounding landscape looks like.

A few basic rules of feng shui should be followed to create a harmonious space: For example, if the front of your house faces a mountain, it’s best that you choose a mountain to represent a celestial animal. For instance, Table Mountain would be the Black Tortoise, Devil’s Peak the White Tiger and Lion’s Head the Green Dragon. This helps to protect your house from harmful energy.

Another important rule is that a space should be kept clear of clutter and objects that might block energy flow. This is especially true for doors. A doorway that opens directly into a room encourages too much qi to enter and exit the space at once. It is also considered “bad feng shui” to have chairs, couches and other seating with their backs facing the door or windows.

Using similar base materials from room to room also creates a sense of harmony. For example, using the same flooring in several rooms or selecting the same type of fabrics for curtains help to create a consistent look. Leaving some of a building’s structural elements on display — such as brick or steelwork — can also lend a home a unified style.


When it comes to feng shui, furniture is very important. This is because it represents different areas of your life and if you don’t have the right pieces in your cabin, it can affect those areas of your life. For example, if you have a bed that is directly under a ceiling beam or sloped/dormer style ceiling, it cuts the flow of energy and can make you feel physically pressured when lying down.

Also, you should avoid placing your bed too close to a door because it can feel like an obstacle or a block. It is best to place your bed in a room where the door can open freely so you can feel open and free to move about the room.

Another important thing to keep in mind when decorating your cabin is the importance of a focal point. Having a focal point in a room draws the eye and helps distribute energy evenly throughout the space. Whether it’s a stunning piece of art or an interesting accent chair, a well-chosen focal point can create a welcoming and inviting environment in your log cabin.

Feng Shui is a set of principles that can help you create a home that promotes balance, serenity and peace. By decluttering, choosing the right colors, positioning furniture wisely, incorporating natural elements and balancing the five elements of wood, water, metal, earth and fire, you can create a home that is both relaxing and nourishing to your soul.


The ancient art of Feng Shui encourages the harmonious balance of materials and colors. This ancient practice also encourages sustainability. Make eco-conscious choices with lighting and appliances, and integrate reclaimed wood and other recycled materials into your cabin to create a truly sustainable home.

Color is a major component of a home in Feng Shui, and it’s important to choose the right shades for your cabin. Consider the “bagua map” when selecting colors, and keep in mind that certain colors evoke different emotions or qualities. For example, orange promotes joy, vitality and dynamism, while the deeper shades of red evoke feelings of strength and power.

Likewise, it’s important to select the right colors for your cabinets and furniture. The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in a cabin, as it represents the health and wealth of your family. The best way to attract good energy to this room is to keep it clean and free of clutter. Also, it’s important to open the windows frequently—nine is a lucky number in Feng Shui—to allow stale air and bad chi to leave and fresh chi to enter.

The right colors can add a sense of vigor and freshness to any space, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different hues! The key to a successful cabin is finding the perfect balance between traditional and modern styles. For example, exposed ceiling beams can pair beautifully with modern stainless steel appliances and slate flooring. Incorporating elements of nature—like flowers or crystals—into your log cabin can also help bring positive energy to the space.


Feng shui is an ancient Chinese belief that your life is connected to the energy of your surroundings. It’s not a magic spell, but an idea that can be applied to any living space, including a yacht or superyacht.

The most important factor in feng shui is to foster positive energy in your home. To do this, it is necessary to balance the different areas of your home, using the bagua map (the feng shui energy map) as your guide. Each of the eight sections of the bagua represents a different aspect of your life, such as family or wealth. To strengthen these areas, you can use colors, seasons, numbers, earthly objects and a variety of other techniques.

For example, placing a mirror above your bed is believed to increase your health and attract good luck. Keeping your rooms clean is also important, as cluttered spaces block the flow of chi. Feng shui also recommends not cramming bedrooms with electronics, as the electromagnetic fields they emit can disrupt your sleep cycle. Instead, hang art that portrays crowds and company in your bedroom to promote a sense of manifestation for your feng shui intentions.

If you’re interested in trying out feng shui on your boat, there are plenty of resources available to help. For starters, consider purchasing a bagua chart, which will help you identify each of the eight areas in your cabin and what feng shui tips to follow for each one.