Mythical Routes on Greek Ferries

Mythical Routes Tracing Legendary Journeys on Greek Ferries

From azure seas to elegantly quaint villages, Greece’s island-dotted coastline beckons adventurers. From Jason and the Argonauts to Frankish Crusaders and Mamma Mia film crews, myth and enchantment envelop these crystalline islands.

Catching ferries in Greece has improved dramatically with new fast boats joining the fleet and older ones being retired. Still, the choppy waters and high-speed rides can lead to seasickness.


The most cosmopolitan of the Greek islands, Mykonos, is a summer hotspot known for its exhilarating nightlife. Its picturesque capital, Hora, is a maze of little neighbourhoods with captain’s houses and old churches. Indulge in shopping and dining here and marvel at the narrow alleyways “kalderimia”.

From the early 1950s, when tourism boomed after World War Two, Mykonos became a popular cosmopolitan destination for celebrities, bohemians and royalty. The hard-working islanders assimilated these new demands, and today Mykonos holds one of the most enviable positions in the international tourist market.

Take a stroll in the Archaeological Museum of Mykonos to admire treasures such as a headless, almost limbless 2nd-century B.C. statue of Hercules in Parian marble. Then, visit the Church of Panagia Paraportiani, completed in the 17th century. The Town Hall and Castle are also worth a visit.

The dazzling white of the island’s buildings contrasts with the blue of the sea. This stunning scenery extends to the beaches too, where sand and pebbles are interspersed with shady coves, and lively beach bars and clubs. If you’re here between late June and late August, you can also take part in the famous Yacht Week, a two-month party event that attracts many of the super-rich and famous.


Corfu, known as KORKYRA in Greek, is a cosmopolitan island weaving a powerful spell on its visitors. Its historic monuments, its rich multi-cultural heritage and stunning natural landscape combine to create a magic that transcends time and place. From Jason and the Argonauts to Frankish Crusaders, the island has always been a magnet for adventurers, and today’s travelers are no exception.

The island is a green, fertile idyll where bountiful produce, cypress-studded hills and vertiginous villages are punctuated by cobalt blue seas. Its dramatic scenery, long mountain ridges and national parks are among its main attractions.

Corfu’s etymology is linked to two powerful water deities, Poseidon and Asopos, who, according to myth, fell in love there. The island’s name is also believed to stem from the fact that it was a strategic port for the Venetian empire.

The imposing fortresses of the Old Town are guardians of the city’s past. Corfu’s other landmark is the Neo Frourio (New Fort), built by the Venetians between 1572 and 1645, a fortress whose planes and angles evoke Picasso and Braque’s Cubist period.

Corfu’s central location makes it a great base for exploring the western Ionian islands. The popular route from Corfu to Kefalonia and back is one of the best ways to experience the islands’ awe-inspiring beaches, dramatic vistas and liveliness.


Throughout the centuries the Greek Islands have lured travelers from Jason and his adventurous Argonauts to Frankish Crusaders and Mamma Mia film crews. The island-hopping experience is one of Greece’s greatest joys, with ribbons of sugar-soft sand beckoning from the seashore. In order to truly discover the islands you need to get there, and that’s where the ferries come in!

With a little bit of planning you can make your dream island getaway a reality with your very own ferry tickets. Whether you want to travel to Mykonos for a summer of hedonistic pleasure or explore the hidden treasures of Paxi, it’s easy to do with a well-planned itinerary and a few ferry tickets in your pocket.

Getting to the small Ionian island of Paxi (or Paxoi) is a breeze with conventional passenger and car ferries leaving every day from Corfu and taking just 1.5 hours at most. Aside from its lovely harbor villages, Paxi is surrounded by natural trekking paths and lush verdant landscapes, offering visitors an unspoiled paradise to discover. The little island is also home to a handful of pretty beaches including Plaka and Spiatza, which are perfect for sunbathing and swimming. Paxi is also known as the cultural village of Europe and offers a rich variety of museums and ancient churches. In true island-hopping fashion there are also several local cafes and restaurants that serve traditional dishes and drinks.


The largest of Greece’s Dodecanese Islands, Rhodes (Greek Rodos) boasts a long history as one of the region’s most important centers for trade and culture. Its impressive medieval landmarks are a testament to the island’s rich past, while its beaches and scenic landscapes make it a popular destination for modern-day travelers.

The legendary Colossus of Rhodes, a massive bronze statue, was once believed to be the colossal symbol of the city and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Although no traces of the statue remain, Rhodes’ evocative castlelike ruins and other historic sites will enchant visitors with their richness.

In antiquity, the island was home to numerous settlements, including the Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Early Bronze Age civilizations. A number of tombs found on the island date back to these periods. Rhodes was also visited by Mycenaean Greeks, and many of their cultural artifacts are on display in local museums.

Today, Rhodes is a vibrant tourist destination with one of the country’s busiest airports and innumerable ferries that travel to and from it. It is a perfect spot for family vacations, as it offers a mix of cosmopolitan and traditional elements. The city is also home to several renowned historical sites, including the Street of the Knights and the castlelike Palace of the Grand Masters, once captured by the Ottomans.