Eco-Friendly Practices on Greek Ferries

Sustainable sailing is more than just avoiding single-use plastics. It encompasses a wider eco-friendly mindset, including respecting marine life, using eco-friendly products and minimizing waste onboard.

Greek ferry companies such as Blue Star Ferries and Superfast Ferries make a big effort and take strict measures, ensuring that their vessels are ecologically-friendly.

Reduce your energy consumption

While sailing, reducing your energy consumption is one of the most important practices for sustainable travel. For example, instead of consuming too much water, take shorter showers and avoid excessive flushing of the toilets. Similarly, when buying groceries and supplies on board, opt for products with less packaging.

In addition, it is important to choose eco-friendly cleaning products and toiletries to minimize marine life pollution. Moreover, remember to discard waste properly and recycle where possible. Finally, avoiding activities that can harm the environment, such as littering and discarding plastics, will also help preserve marine life.

Moreover, many modern ships are designed to be more environmentally friendly. For instance, the “Medstraum” ferry is powered by renewable energy sources like solar and wind, thus minimizing its carbon footprint. Furthermore, this ship’s innovative hull and propeller have been optimised to maximise energy efficiency. It is estimated that this vessel will save up to 30% of energy compared to traditional vessels.

Opt for biodegradable or paper products

While on a sailing trip, always make sure to use reusable coffee cups and water bottles instead of buying bottled ones. Also, try to bring your own shopping bags and reduce the amount of plastic waste.

Another easy way to go green while sailing is to buy fresh local products at markets. This will help support the local economy and minimize carbon emissions from transportation.

The most sustainable sailing method is to rely solely on wind and the sun, as opposed to using a motor. By doing so, you can avoid leaving any environmental footprint and will have a much more authentic experience.

This is why we recommend joining a cargo sailing tour on the Aegean islands like the one offered by Trade Winds. This is a company that aims to revolutionize shipping by using zero-emission ships. It’s a new, modern take on traditional shipping that has been around since ancient times.

Recycle your waste

While sailing is one of the most environmentally sustainable activities, there are still a few things that need to be considered. For instance, you should always avoid throwing any trash overboard. This includes anything that can’t decompose in the sea, such as glass bottles, cans, paper, cigarettes or even fruit peels.

Instead, you should always bring reusable coffee cups and water bottles. You should also take advantage of any onboard recycling facilities. This will not only reduce your waste, but it will also save you money on buying bottled water.

Moreover, you should try to minimise your energy consumption as much as possible. This can be done by switching off lights and air conditioning when not in use, and using rechargeable batteries for your devices. You can also opt for biodegradable cleaning products and toilet paper to minimize water pollution and protect marine life. In addition, you should participate in any organised beach cleanups whenever possible. This will help to keep the oceans clean and beautiful for all of us! Moreover, it will promote a culture of sustainability within the sailing community.

Support local fishermen and grocers

With its string of emerald islands beckoning visitors with pristine beaches and ancient culture, Greece is prime cruise country. But the industry comes with its fair share of problems: rampant waste production, port overtourism and carbon emissions tied to heavy fuel oil, which cruise ships rely on for power.

To help mitigate its environmental footprint, Superfast Ferries has set up a team on each of its vessels dedicated to environmental responsibility. On board, staff members provide training to crew and encourage passengers to be environmentally responsible. Signs are also placed around the ship to discourage the throwing of litter into the sea and to remind passengers to recycle their waste.

On a week-long sailing trip in the Lesser Cyclades with Zorba, you can discover sustainable initiatives and get to know local producers of rare goat cheese, aromatic island honey and freshly picked herbs. You can also take a dip in crystalline waters and explore historic ruins and walking trails while you enjoy a true Greek island escape.

Participate in beach cleanups

A big part of the maritime industry is focused on reducing waste. As a sailing passenger, you can take the initiative to get involved in beach cleanups and support the local marine life by picking up trash from the beaches and seabed. This also reduces the demand for plastic products and ensures that your sailing adventure is truly sustainable!

In addition, ferries like Minoan Lines encourage particular practices that protect the marine environment with regular controls and observance of international regulations. Refuse is collected and separated, and then properly disposed of via waste disposal vehicles in each port of call.

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